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The Now What Fitness Series lays out the foundation of fitness in a concise and simplified manner, making for a collection of books that help the reader truly comprehend how to improve one's health and well-being from A to Z. I've broken fitness down into comprehensive concepts, giving anybody who truly wants to change their health and their lives in profound ways, the step-by-step tools and knowledge to do so. 


Cardiovascular Fitness, also known as aerobic (means "with oxygen") fitness or cardiorespiratory fitness (including the lungs) describes the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to deliver an adequate supply of oxygen to exercising muscles. Blood must flow from the heart through blood vessels (vascular) to the lungs to pick up oxygen that can be delivered to the exercising muscles.

Cardiovascular Endurance simply means the ability of the cardiorespiratory system to deliver adequate oxygen to exercising muscles for a prolonged period of time.

We improve our cardio endurance by performing cardio or aerobic exercise, which may be defined as any activity that utilizes your large muscle groups in a rhythmic fashion and gets your heart rate up into your target heart rate zone.

cardiovascular fitness jogging

The Bad News: Unhealthy lifestyle choices such as lack of exercise, poor eating habits, smoking and excessive drinking of alcohol are just a few of the factors that can cause damage to the most vital organs in our bodies, i.e., our heart, lungs, etc., and, hence, have detrimental effects on our health and our lives.

The Good News: We can play an active role in our health and improve it exponentially by beginning a structured exercise program that includes, that’s right you guessed it, a cardio exercise routine. 

So now that you know what it means, let’s take a closer look at:

  • ACSM guidelines for cardiovascular training
  • Benefits and risk factors
  • Modes of cardio training
  • How to measure your intensity level
  • Getting started on a structured cardio training routine

    Studies show that following a sedentary (no-exercise) lifestyle is more dangerous than smoking. It greatly increases the risks of dying from cancer, respiratory ailments, and heart disease. 

    Moral of the story: If you smoke, quit. If you don’t exercise, start! 

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